Tuesday, February 28, 2017

New Eyes

One's destination
is never a

but a new way
of seeing

- Henry Miller
(arranged quote)

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

A Birthday Poem

Just past dawn, the sun stands
with its heavy red head
in a black stanchion of trees,
waiting for someone to come
with his bucket
for the foamy white light,
and then a long day in the pasture.
I too spend my days grazing,
feasting on every green moment
till darkness calls,
and with the others
I walk away into the night,
swinging the little tin bell
of my name.

—Ted Kooser

Back in Business

Prediction was for silence until the twelfth month of 2016. 

Proving to be as accurate as most forecasts, that length stretched out nearly three more months. 

Yet, the rains DO come, even if it seems as if they've been absent ever since one can remember. 

Given that today is a celebratory date for this Poetastic Presence, then a sampling entitled "A Birthday Poem" seems most appropriate. 

Without further expanding on these predictions of precipitation, let's rejoin the streams of poetry.