Monday, August 24, 2015

Corporeal Mist

The partition separating
life from death is
so tenuous.

The unbelievable fragility
of our organism suggests
a vision on a screen:

a kind of mist condenses itself
a human shape,

lasts a moment, and

- Czeslaw Milosz
(found in The Sun, Sunbeam, August 2015 | Issue 476)

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


The thing I've been thinking about the most
is loss.

The losses experienced in life,
but really
the meaning
we all make of our losses.

Deaths of loved ones,
the phases of lives hurtling by,
jobs and relationships we never imagined
would end.

All of it.

Among other things,
our lives are compendiums of
loss and change
and what we make of it.

-- Joel Lovell
( edited quote, from article about Stephen Colbert )